ASF Members Directory
The membership of the Australian Seed Federation (ASF) is commercial, mature, diverse and includes stakeholders from all sectors of the total seed supply chain. The ASF membership also covers a diversity of geography, climate, crops and cultivars.
For more information on ASF members please visit their websites or contact the ASF Membership Services Officer on 02 6282 6822 or
Ordinary Members
Ace Ohlsson Pty Ltd
| Ohlsson provides horticultural crop protection, vegetable and flower seeds, fertilisers, pest control, plant nutrition advisory services and strategic cropping programs. Their central warehouse is located at Sydney Markets. Sydney's fruit and vegetable markets are contained on a 40 hectare site near Homebush in central Sydney.
Key Services: Horticulture | Retailer | Seed Growing
Advanced Seed
| Seed are a privately owned innovative Melbourne based company specialising in the turf and lawn seed market throughout Australia. Operating as a wholesale supplier to the professional turf market including sport stadium’s, council, golf, schools, racetracks and landscape markets and also the retail lawn seed segment through the major hardware and nursery chains. Advanced Seed has developed longstanding supply relations with key suppliers throughout Australia, New Zealand, USA & Europe.
Key Services: Distributor | Turf | Wholesaler
Advanta Seeds Pty Ltd
| Seeds are a whole sale seed company distributing through around 1500 retail outlets across Australia. Their activities are centred around Wheat, Sorghum, Canola and Corn. They are involved in breeding, production, distribution and marketing. Advanta Seeds base is in Toowoomba, QLD and they do production from the Ord Irrigation scheme in WA to the MIA in Southern NSW. Their R&D activities are spread across all areas that are applicable to their main crops. Advanta Seeds main processing plant is in Toowoomba with along with their QC and main administration base.
Key Services: Plant Breeding | Seed Growing | Seed Processing | Seed Treatment | Wholesaler
AgEtal Pty Ltd
| is NATA accredited for seed and grain testing. They provide personal and qualified support and testing of all species (Temperate and Tropical).
Key Services: Seed Testing Laboratory
AGF Seeds Pty Ltd
| Seeds is a seed production and marketing business located in Smeaton, Central Victoria. Their aim is to provide seed and independent knowledgeable advice to resellers and growers throughout South Eastern Australia. AGF Seeds offer quality seed for cropping and pasture farming systems. Their extensive trial program aims to identify the best performing varieties. AGF strive to increase farm profitability by providing quality seed and proper variety selection that fits customers conditions.
Key Services: Broad acre cropping | Pasture | Seed Growing | Seed Processing | Seed Treatment | Turf | Wholesaler
Agrimix Pty Ltd
| assists beef producers to improve their pastures in the harsh conditions of northern Australia, through leading-edge pasture science and innovation. Agrimix partnered with James Cook University to commercialise Progardes, a selected blend of Desmanthus pasture legume species with superior genetics and diversity. Agrimix offer valuable technical support and specialist advice to farmers on establishing and managing their pastures.
Key Services: Distributor | Pasture | Seed Growing | Seed Processing
AgriVentis Technologies Pty Ltd
| www.agriventis.techAgriVentis Technologies is an agricultural seed technology & development company, bringing together the latest in IP advancements to full commercialization with the potential to supply up to one-quarter of Australia’s grain production requirements. Developing plants that have higher yields, better disease resistance, lower cultivation costs, and lower water requirements. With 100%-owned seed lines, AgriVentis is uniquely poised to meet the needs of the world’s food supply in a way that is more profitable for farmers, environmentally sustainable, and completely GMO (Genetically Modified Organism)-free.
Key Services: Distributor | Plant Breeding | Seed Growing
Agrocorp Australia
| Grain supply industry leading planting seed across a range of crops such as Chickpea, Mungbean, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Faba Bean, Pigeon Pea and a range of summer forages, including Millets. Their seed can be accessed through a network of professional seed agents throughout Queensland and Northern New South Wales. The seed is grown through a system which involves regular crop inspections and approvals by qualified seed production agronomists.
Key Services: Broad acre cropping | Seed Growing | Seed Processing | Seed Treatment | Wholesaler
AlfaGen Seeds
| Seeds, formerly S&W Seed Company, is made up of a team of experienced professionals with extensive knowledge of the agriculture industry, who are committed to working together to build a strong and successful business, as well as support the communities in which they operate. With a solid existing base of seed varieties, including lucerne, pasture legumes, ryegrass, forage sorghum, forage cereal and sunflowers, the company has also flagged new products are in the pipeline, for both the domestic and international markets.
Key Services: Distributor | Plant Breeding | Seed Growing | Seed Processing | Seed Treatment
| Pty Ltd is a front line merchant of Australian native and exotic tree, shrub, palm, grass and legume seed. Seed is stored in atmosphere controlled seed rooms ensuring optimal viability and is sold globally to over 50 countries. AustraHort is known worldwide as a major Australian native and exotic tree, shrub, grass, palm and ornamental seeds supplier. For over 35 years AustraHort has been providing Australian native and exotic seed products and services for: Export, Revegetation (mining & civil construction), Nursery, Domestic use
Key Services: Retailer
Australian Grain Technologies Pty Ltd
| Grain Technologies (AGT) is Australia's largest plant breeding company, and the market leader in wheat genetics. As a plant breeding research company, AGT get excited by new technology, innovation and scientific breakthroughs. Their talented and dedicated team use new mechanical solutions, robotics, computer science, GPS, tissue culture, and the latest biological and genetic theory on a daily basis. They are excited to see scientific concepts transformed into real solutions that deliver value to Australian grain growers.
Key Services: Plant Breeding
Australian Seed & Grain Pty Ltd
|, originally known as Moora Seed Works, was established in 1968 by Mr Les Thompson. Originally from Pingelly Les Thompson did a lot of clover harvesting and believed there was potential in offering the service to other clients, given that we are located in a reliable pasture seeds area. A well-supported and successful business from the onset, it continued to grow and prosper and in 1972 expanded from grading just clover to include grading cereals. Today ASG are involved with the multiplication of many new seed varieties along with processing, marketing of seed & grain for many farmers and associated seed companies.
Key Services: Distributor | Retailer | Seed Growing | Seed Processing | Seed Treatment
Australian Seed Labs
| Seed Labs (ASL) is an accredited ISTA (International Seed Testing Associated) laboratory. Previously trading as Queensland Seed Technology Laboratory, ASL has held its ISTA accreditation since 2002. ASL staff participate in annual ISTA sanctioned proficiency test rounds to ensure all tests are completed in accordance with the ISTA Rules. ASL has a Class 5.2 Approved Arrangement (AA) quarantine facility onsite, allowing for the testing of imported seed. ASL specialises in the testing of herbage, forage, vegetable, flower and native seed species for both national and international certification. The laboratory also undertakes seed technology research for seed companies and individuals by arrangement.
Key Services: Seed Testing Laboratory
Australis Seed Company
| www.whsseeds.comAustralis Seed Company has made its mark operating outside the confines of major seed companies. The company has gone from strength to strength and is set to stamp its footprint even deeper into the vegetable, melon and herb market with exciting innovations ready to be implemented.
Key Services: Plant Breeding | Seed Processing | Wholesaler
Baker Seed Co
| Seed Co is a wholly Australian owned family seed company based in Rutherglen, North East Victoria, Producing and Processing and large range of cereals, oilseeds, pastures, legumes and pulses. Their processing facility has state of the art coating facilities and high capacity packing line. Baker Seed Co pride themselves on meeting customers’ needs by having the right product, in the right place, at the right time.
Key Services: Broad acre cropping | Pasture | Retailer | Seed Growing | Seed Processing | Seed Technologies | Seed Treatment | Wholesaler
Barenbrug Australia
| is one of Australia’s leading seed businesses specialising in research and development, marketing, extension and distribution of proprietary pasture and forage seeds, cropping, turf and seed enhancement technology. Key products in their range include temperate and tropical pasture varieties, fodder crops, forage cereals, field crops and turf and amenity grasses.
Key Services: Plant Breeding | Retailer | Seed Growing | Seed Processing | Seed Treatment | Wholesaler
BASF Australia Limited
| agriculture is facing more diverse and complex challenges than ever before. Around the world, farmers are expected to produce enough food for a rapidly growing population and find smarter ways to cultivate the land in balance with nature. BASF help find the right balance for success for farmers, for agriculture and for future generations. In Australia, BASF are proud to work with customers from the following areas: Broadacre & Horticulture Solutions, Pest Control, Canola Seeds, Vegetable Seeds, Turf Solutions.
Key Services: Plant Breeding | Seed Growing | Seed Treatment
Bayer CropScience Pty Ltd
| is an international life science company offering innovative products that serve the health of humans, plants and animals. On and off the farm, they work closely with their customers, business and research partners and the wider community to improve the security of food and fibre supplies and overall quality of life. Bayer supply leading brands backed by expert advice in the areas of seeds and plant biotechnology, crop protection and non-agricultural pest control.
Key Services: Broad acre cropping | Distributor | Horticulture | Plant Breeding | Seed Processing | Seed Technologies | Seed Treatment
Bejo Seeds Pty Ltd
| is a leading company in breeding, production and sales of vegetable seeds. With operations in more than thirty countries, they are an internationally oriented family business. Bejo have expanded over the years in an organic, ongoing process, shaped by interaction between growers, dealers, supply chain partners and our own employees.
Key Services: Retailer
Botanical Resources Australia
| www.botanicalresources.comBotanical Resources Australia is a global leader in the production of the natural insecticide active ingredient, Pyrethrins, extracted from Australian grown pyrethrum daisies. Our Australian made Pyrethrins power hundreds of insect control products worldwide - products backed by the market leading household insecticides and environmental sciences companies. Outside our core business, our interests extend to the production of dairy stock feeds, green waste bio-fuel, commercial seed treatments, and the farming of high value crops from our base of Tasmania, Australia.
Key Services: Plant Breeding | Seed Growing | Seed Processing | Seed Treatment
Bush Botanics Australia
| www.bushbotanics.comBush Botanics is an elders-led social enterprise supporting Australian Aboriginal communities to restore and enhance ecosystems by propagating native plants for cultural, medicinal, spiritual and restoration purposes.
Key Services: Native Seeds
BVAQ Seed Lab & Certification (Formerly DTS Food Assurance)
| www.bvaq.comDTS Food Assurance provides Grain and Seed testing, inspection and validation services to the Australian market. Using enhanced and innovative testing methodologies, we offer seed certification to Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies, Seedcare, and domestic standards. DTS provides GMO testing, International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) certificates, and field inspection services, as well as phytosanitary clearance and electronic reporting. Customers can gain access to test results at any time. DTS provides merchants and growers with a comprehensive range of independent inspection and testing services for all temperate and tropical crop species.
Key Services: Seed Certification Provider | Seed Testing Laboratory
Cafcakis Nominees Pty Ltd
|Distributor based in Virginia, SA.
Key Services: Distributor | Exporter Importer
Callahan Seed Pty Ltd
|Callahan Seed are wholesale seed brokers operating in the domestic market and international trade - export and import.
Key Services: Broker or Consultant | Distributor | Native Seeds | Pasture | Seed Growing | Seed Processing | Tropical | Turf | Wholesaler
Cargill Australia Ltd
| provides food, agriculture, financial and industrial products and services to the world. Together with farmers, customers, governments and communities, Cargill help people thrive by applying their insights and over 150 years of experience.
Key Services: Plant Breeding | Seed Growing
Cleanseeds Pty Ltd
| are located in Bungendore NSW, just 35km from Canberra. They provide services to the farming industry through wholesale and retail seed specialisation. Cleanseeds also supply irrigation and fencing equipment, fertilisers, animal health products and farm chemicals along with free advice.
Key Services: Distributor | Retailer | Seed Treatment
Cooyar Grass Seeds Commercial
| Grass Seeds is a solely online grass seed distribution business. Their aim is to provide direct to the consumer quality grass seeds at the best possible price. Cooyar is a small country town located in regional Queensland. It has ancestral significance to the team at Cooyar Grass Seeds. However more importantly it is also one of the locations where some of the seeds sold on their site are grown. Cooyar Grass Seeds strive to offer seeds that have a tried and proven history as well as some exciting new varieties that have been recently developed. You can buy their seeds either as a single variety (pure) or as a blend. Unique to their website is the feature where customers can blend their own mix of seeds.
Key Services: Distributor
Corowa Seeds
| Seeds are a mid-sized dryland and irrigated broad acre farming business, that produces high quality pasture seed and grains. For more than 30 years Corowa Seeds has a proven track record of successful multiplication of breeders seed in lots of 1-5 kgs through to commercial scale production. With an in house accredited processing facility customers have the advantage of all stages of production and packaging taking place at the one location.
Key Services: Distributor | Retailer | Seed Growing | Seed Processing
Cotton Seed Distributors Ltd
| Seed Distributors (CSD) are Australia's sole supplier of elite cotton varieties. Proudly industry owned, CSD provides the Australian cotton industry with the best seed, germplasm, treatments and biotechnology traits to deliver world leading yield and quality.
Key Services: Seed Growing | Seed Processing
Cropmark Seeds Ltd
| Seeds are in the business of breeding and supplying pasture and forage varieties that offer our customers very real performance advantages, through improving livestock performance, farm systems and bottom line results. Cropmark’s unique varieties are bred with an emphasis on delivering improved yield, greater nutritional values and disease resistance, coupled with the ability to provide more quality forage when most needed.
Key Services: Distributor | Plant Breeding
DDLS Seed Testing and Certification
| Seed Testing and Certification is a leading provider of ISTA accredited seed testing and NATA accredited seed certification services based at the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. Their highly experienced seed analysts and inspectors operate under industry best practise to ensure services are delivered with confidence, reliability and accuracy. Whether its potato, crop or pasture certification, seed testing, seed sampling, or state post entry quarantine, DDLS can assist.
Key Services: Seed Certification Provider | Seed Testing Laboratory
Deacon Seeds Company
| www.deaconseeds.comDeacon Seeds are experienced and reliable seed and grain merchants. Buying and selling all mungbean varieties for domestic and international markets. Deacon Seeds are a supplier of all mungbean seed varieties, buyers of all birdseed millets and sunflowers, and suppliers of millet seed for planting seed and cover crops.
Key Services: Seed Processing
Delta Agribusiness WA
| in Western Australia is a diverse independent rural inputs and advisory service for regional farmers. Delta Agribusiness provides a wide range of services to support farmers, including agronomy advice, farm input recommendations, soil testing, financial services and an informative product trials and research program.
Key Services: Distributor | Retailer
DLF Seeds
| Seeds (formed by combining PGG Wrightson Seeds, Stephen Pasture Seeds (SPS) and AusWest Seeds) is a proprietary seed company operating across Australia. Our activities cover all aspects of the seed market, from R&D through to product supply, distribution and technical on-farm support. The operations cover research and development, plant breeding, seed multiplication, cleaning, seed treatment, mixing, marketing, sales and distribution.
Key Services: Broad acre cropping | Pasture | Plant Breeding | Seed Growing | Seed Processing | Seed Technologies | Seed Treatment | Tropical | Turf | Wholesaler
Eastern Districts Seed Cleaning Co (EDSCO)
| began in 1977 as a small family run Seed Cleaning business in the Central Wheatbelt town of Kellerberrin Western Australia. They can process Road Trains with the capacity for 60 Tonne or more. They have two sheds in operation, one processes large seed i.e. Wheat, Barley and Oats and the other processes Pasture Seed, Basic Seed, Pedigree Seed, Canola and all small specific varieties. EDSCO are focused on providing Seed Cleaning services with the highest levels of customer satisfaction.
Key Services: Distributor | Pasture | Retailer | Seed Growing | Seed Processing | Seed Treatment
Emerge Seeds
|Just as we continue to be 100% Australian family-owned, we continue to search for effective, cutting-edge innovations to empower growers to do more with less. Our national team of experts works with progressive suppliers to bring world-leading solutions to Australia including specialised fertilisers, biostimulants and soil amendments, crop protection tools, and after-harvest treatments,
Key Services:
Enza Zaden (Australia) Pty Ltd
| Zaden is a vegetable seed breeding company with its headquarters in the town of Enkhuizen, North Holland. They specialize in open field and protected cropping species groups with many world renowned market leading varieties. In Australia Enza Zaden breed locally in onions, cauliflower and many other species, and the Australian market is one of their strategic markets.
Key Services: Distributor | Horticulture | Plant Breeding | Retailer | Seed Growing
EPG Seeds
| Seeds started investing in plant breeding and introducing new crop genetics to Australian farmers in 2004, as an Elders business. The expansion of the business in 2021 is giving more farmers access to the very best in seed genetics. Our aim is to improve productivity and profitability in Australian agriculture through the development of new seed varieties. Our current portfolio of high performing grain and forage crop varieties is readily available through a range of national resellers. We’re also working on exciting new varieties that will offer higher yields, inbuilt quality traits and improved pest and disease resistance.
Key Services: Plant Breeding | Retailer
Fairbank’s Selected Seeds Co Pty Ltd
|'s Selected Seeds Co is a wholesale vegetable seed company that supplies growers throughout Australia. The history of Fairbanks Seeds can be traced back to the early 1920s. More recently in 2013, Fairbanks took on the exclusive distribution of the Syngenta leafy and brassica range. In 2015, Fairbanks was designated as the genetic manager and distributer of the Solana potato range. This new direction has introduced Fairbank’s to the largest vegetable crop in the country and now enables growth into a segment that no other Australian vegetable seed company has ventured.
Key Services: Distributor | Retailer
Frances Seeds
| Seeds is a Seed Processing plant, located in the south East of South Australia. Frances seeds have two processing plants that run all year round, specialising in cleaning of small seed and cereal.
Key Services: Seed Processing | Seed Treatment
Gold Coast Agribusiness Pty Ltd
| www.gcagbiz.comGold Coast Agribusiness Pty Ltd is a wholesale seed company who works much like a personal shopper for seed. Their primary focus is the export of seed from Australia, but also source seed from other parts of the world as needed. Gold Coast Agribusiness work primarily with temperate, subtropical and tropical grasses and legumes for forage, hay, reclamation and amenity turf with a special interest in cover crops and green manure crops.
Key Services: Distributor | Native Seeds | Pasture | Tropical | Turf
Hart Bros Seeds
| Services: Seed Processing
HM.Clause Pacific Pty Ltd
| www.hmclause.comHM.CLAUSE Pacific distributes proprietary vegetable seeds to the professional growers in Australia and in New Zealand under the Clause, Harris Moran, Vilmorin and Hazera Brands. HM.CLAUSE is a business unit of Groupe Limagrain, one of the world leaders in vegetable and Field seeds crops.
Key Services: Distributor | Horticulture | Plant Breeding | Retailer
Irwin Hunter & Co
| Hunter & Co was first established in 1966 as a privately owned and operated company specialising in providing high quality pasture seeds to the WA market. Today they are an independently owned wholesale forage seed company that continues to supply high quality pasture seeds to the Western Australian agriculture regions from Esperance in the south to Derby in the north. Their focus is on providing proven pasture varieties that will increase pasture production across the agriculture and rangelands areas of Western Australia.
Key Services: Industry Allied Services | Pasture | Wholesaler
John Gidley & Co Pty Ltd
| in Melbourne, Australia, established 1898, John Gidley offer personalized & professional worldwide service in: Seed Brokering (sale and purchase), Contract production and multiplication, Market and marketing advice, Representation of public and PBR/proprietary seeds & grains, Logistics and delivery arrangements. They specialise in: forage and turf seeds, cereal grains and pulses, food industry items, herbs, oilseeds and commodities of any type.
Key Services: Broker or Consultant | Distributor
Kohenoor International
| www.kohenoorint.comKohenoor International is a Pakistan company established since 1957. Kohenoor International is as producer and exporter of seeds including forage seeds, pasture seeds, field crops, sprouting seeds, herbs and vegetable seeds.
Key Services: Exporter Importer | Pasture | Seed Processing
Kongal Seeds
|Kongal Seeds is an Australian family owned business based in the Tatiara District with over 30 years seed cleaning experience. They clean a wide variety of seed and package to client’s requirements. Kongal Seeds motto is “Seed cleaning means clean seeding”. No job is too small or too big, their packing, handling and export expertise is second to none.
Key Services: Seed Processing | Seed Treatment
Lefroy Valley
| www.lefroyvalley.comLefroy Valley is a fiercely independent, wholly Australian owned professional vegetable seed distribution company. With roots deep into the Australian vegetable industry, Lefroy Valley places the Australian grower first and strives to introduce varieties that make a difference.
Key Services: Horticulture | Retailer | Wholesaler
Living Seeds Pty Ltd
| Seeds is a dedicated seed company that will focus its supply and delivery of Native seed productions as well as Tropical and Sub Tropical seed supply into the Tropical Markets across the Northern Regions of Australia. This through consultancy with various growers, suppliers and seed users across the industry as well as utilising local suppliers, growers and processors to provide high quality seed into the Native and Tropical industry.
Key Services: Broker or Consultant | Distributor | Native Seeds | Seed Growing | Seed Processing
Magnus Kahl Seeds Pty Ltd
| www.magnuskahl.comMagnus Kahl Seeds is a specialist allium breeding company, which focuses on both hybrid and open pollinated breeding techniques. The company places a particular emphasis on breeding onion, shallot and echalion varieties for customers around the world.
Key Services: Plant Breeding | Seed Growing | Seed Processing | Seed Treatment | Wholesaler
Manoora Seeds Pty Ltd
| Seeds lies in South Australia’s Mid-North region in the small town of Manoora — around 120 kms from Adelaide on the Barrier Highway. We are a leader in quality seed services and have been servicing the local area since 1976. We supply seed cleaning and processing services, plus a diverse range of seeds, fertilisers, stock feed and pet food. We are in partnership with Wesfarmers Landmark Clare as distributors of Incitec Fertiliser products.
Key Services: Retailer | Seed Processing
Mara Seeds Pty Ltd
| Seeds Pty Ltd is a family owed business which has been growing and developing since 1967. Located 50km west of Casino in northern NSW, Mara Seeds produces, processes and markets a range of organic products from beef and oilseeds to grass seeds which are value added for specific markets.
Key Services: Seed Growing | Seed Processing | Seed Treatment
Melchiorre Seeds
| Seeds has been involved in the successful production, cleaning, packaging and marketing of all kinds of seeds for the past 60 years. From 1983 the Company has also been involved in overseas export. Along with the seed works, Melchiorre Seeds operates a Quality Assured farm which produces much of the grain that is processed and sold by them. Having this combination enables them to have a greater control of growing conditions to prevent contamination and produce a high quality product, something which is being increasingly demanded by overseas and local buyers. Melchiorre Seeds is a family owned and run Company that prides itself on personalized and caring service to its customers.
Key Services: Seed Growing | Seed Processing
Midlands Seed Limited
| success from the ground up. Through innovation and a dedication to producing complementary products, Midlands Seed Limited have become a global leader in high value seed production, a leading producer and exporter of high-quality food ingredients, honeys and nutritional oils and a fundamental force in research and development.
Key Services: Distributor | Plant Breeding | Seed Growing | Seed Processing
Mr. Fothergill’s Seeds Pty Ltd
| Fothergill’s Seeds & Bulbs offer Australian gardeners the most comprehensive retail packet seed range on the market today, as well as an interesting and exciting range of both Spring and Summer flowering bulbs, a growing range of garden accessories and selected gift lines. They offer an extensive range of flower and vegetable varieties including Australian native Wildflowers. Mr Fothergill's Seeds & Bulbs also offer Propagation products such as Greenhouses, and an extensive range of Jiffy Seed Starting products.
Key Services: Distributor | Horticulture | Wholesaler
Naracoorte Seeds
| Seeds was established in 1962 and remains one of the few independent, privately owned Seed Companies operating in Australia. They are the leading stockist and supplier of Public and Private Varieties of pasture seed for use in the S/E of South Australia and Western Victoria. Naracoorte Seeds supervises contract seed production for public and proprietary pasture seed varieties. Their export arm, SA Seed Marketers, has been exporting and importing pasture seed for over 20 years.
Key Services: Broad acre cropping | Exporter Importer | Pasture | Retailer | Seed Growing | Seed Treatment | Turf | Wholesaler
Native Seeds Pty Ltd
| Seeds are specialized growers and suppliers of Australian native grass seeds since 1988. The grasses they grow have been selected for their superior growing characteristics and their performance and vigour in a variety of situations and applications. All of their native grass seeds have known germination rates due to supplying only the highest quality Australian native grass seed.
Key Services: Retailer | Seed Growing | Seed Processing
Nindethana Seed Service Pty Ltd
| is acquired by Greening Australia. As one of Australia's largest and most established seed merchants, we have been providing quality seed to our customers for over 70 years. Our customers are diverse, from the humble home gardener to the multi-national mining company. We are an ethical business and our main aim is to promote the use of Australian native plants. As a trusted supplier to many well known companies such as Alcoa, BHP Billiton, South32 and Rio Tinto, much of our seed is used for environmental rehabilitation, where biodiversity and quality is paramount.
Key Services: Distributor | Native Seeds | Retailer | Seed Growing | Seed Processing | Seed Treatment
NPZ Australia Pty Ltd
| Pflanzenzucht Hans-Georg Lembke KG (NPZ) is a privately-owned plant breeding company with headquarters in Germany, founded in 1897. NPZ is a successful breeder and seed producer of winter and spring oilseed rape, field beans, peas and fodder plants. Through its subsidiaries, shareholdings in marketing organisations and distribution agreements NPZ has a global commercial presence in almost 40 countries.
Key Services: Plant Breeding
Nufarm Pty Ltd
| is an agricultural seed company dedicated to enhancing food and feed value through seeds with greater purpose. Nufarm bring together experience from locations around the world, and apply that expertise to delivering customer solutions on a local level. Nufarm products are marketed in multiple countries, with regional operating units delivering hybrids, traits, production techniques and seed treatments that are tailored to individual climates, soil types and markets.
Key Services: Plant Breeding
Nunhems Australia Pty Ltd
| the Nunhems Brand, BASF offers more than vegetable seeds. Nunhems offer partnerships and customer-oriented solutions for the entire vegetable value chain including growers, processors, plant raisers, dealers, traders, retailers and food service industry – tailored to consumer needs and trends.
Key Services: Plant Breeding
Nutrien Ag Solutions
| Ag Solutions has been part of rural Australia for 150 years. They are a leading agribusiness company, who offer merchandise, fertiliser, farm services, wool, livestock, finance, insurance and real estate. Today, they're Australia’s largest distributor of merchandise and fertiliser, with 2000 employees servicing 100,000 clients in a national network of around 400 locations. Nutrien Ag Solutions vision, "At Nutrien Ag Solutions, we're committed to growing value through a world of innovation, practically applied".
Key Services: Broad acre cropping | Horticulture | Pasture | Plant Breeding | Retailer | Seed Treatment | Tropical | Turf
Palafor Partners Pty Ltd
|Palafor Partners is a seeds research and development company that focuses on the development of forage crops such as oats, barley, sorghum and pearl millet primarily for the Australian market.
Key Services: Plant Breeding
PB Seeds Pty Ltd
| specialises in the field of fine quality seed and grains. Their business is vertically integrated from the production of seed and grain, processing and packaging to marketing seed and grain domestically and internationally. They cater for small to large quantities, from retail packs to containers for export, and their production processes have excellent efficiency and traceability with HACCP quality assurance accredited by SGS. PBSeeds have experience in lentils, pulses and other grains for over 20 years with extensive networks across Australia and overseas.
Key Services: Distributor | Seed Processing
Petra Seeds
| petraseeds.comPetra Seeds was founded in 2019. Our founder Dr. Nabil Ahmad has over 30 years of experience in breeding vegetable crops, specialising in cucumbers, tomatoes and zucchini.
Our mission is to contribute to food security around the world. Our produce has been bred in harsh Australian conditions with high adaptability to climate change, with tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses.
We are committed to provide the grower with the best vegetables varieties. F1 hybrid varieties that strive under favourable conditions and also show the best yield and fruit quality under the challenging conditions of weather, soil and various growing conditions.
Key Services: Plant Breeding | Seed Growing
Queensland Agricultural Seeds
| Agricultural Seeds is based in Toowoomba, Queensland. We specialise in tropical and sub tropical pasture seed, crop and turf seed for sowing, legumes and forage crops. Our products is seeds. Our interest is in the growth of our association with you. We will help to build both your business and your pastures from the ground up.
Key Services: Broad acre cropping | Broker or Consultant | Distributor | Plant Breeding | Seed Growing | Seed Treatment | Tropical | Wholesaler
RAGT Australia
| ragt.auOne of 23 global subsidiaries, RAGT Australia (formerly Seed Force) are a multi species seed business with a history spanning more than 100 years. With active breeding programs covering in excess of 32 species the world over, we specialise in the research, development and innovation, marketing, field extension, multiplication and distribution of proprietary plant material and novel traits and technologies. With seed enhancement and coating capabilities matched with our genetics in Australia, our aim is to assist Australian farmers be more competitive on the world stage. In Australia, we are presently an active market participant in the following industry segments; broadacre cereals, temperate pasture, canola, forage crops, forage cereals and soil health crops.
Key Services: Distributor | Seed Growing
RH Verner & Co Pty Ltd
| and Grain Processors, Growers, Buyers & Sellers of Quality Seed - Farmers & Graziers.
Key Services: Seed Growing | Seed Processing
Richmond River Seeds Pty Ltd
| River Seeds Pty Ltd is a producer and distributor of quality tropical and sub tropical grass seeds, legumes, lawn grasses as well as winter forages and legumes. Quality seed is assured with vigorous sampling methods, accredited staff and crop inspections, with only the best seed selected. This ensures that their customers only receive seeds of the highest quality. Consistency in their products is ensured by use of precision grading equipment. RRS are located in Kyogle in Northern New South Wales.
Key Services: Broad acre cropping | Distributor | Exporter Importer | Native Seeds | Pasture | Seed Growing | Seed Processing | Seed Technologies | Seed Treatment | Tropical | Turf | Wholesaler
RIJK Zwaan Australia Pty Ltd
| with their partners, Rijk Zwaan want to actively contribute to the world’s food supply and stimulate vegetable consumption by laying the foundations for healthy and appealing vegetables. Rijk Zwaan develops vegetable varieties and sells the seeds produced from them, which places them right at the start of the food chain. In the worldwide market for vegetable seeds, Rijk Zwaan is amongst the top 5 companies and every year invest 30% of their turnover in R&D.
Key Services: Horticulture | Plant Breeding | Retailer | Seed Growing
Royston Petrie Seeds Pty Ltd
| Petrie Seeds are wholesale suppliers and growers of horticultural seed. Established in 1976 their knowledge of the industry is paramount in supplying the best quality seed to their customers. Royston Petrie Seeds range covers, herbs, flowers, vegetables plus tree and shrub species. They are an accredited export facility and can promptly and efficiently ship seeds around the world. Their production farms are capable of harvesting bulk herb, flower and vegetable seeds, and they also have an established tree seed farm.
Key Services: Horticulture | Input Supplier | Native Seeds | Retailer | Seed Growing | Wholesaler
Seed Services Australia
| Services Australia has been providing premier seed testing services for 100 years, and seed certification schemes to Australia’s seed and grain industries for over eight decades. Seed Services Australia is a business unit within Rural Solutions SA - the commercial consultancy and extension division of PIRSA. Seed Services Australia offers the following services to seed growers, companies, processors, resellers, importers/exporters, research institutes, universities and the wider farming community: seed testing, seed certification, SureSeed quality assurance program, crop inspections, test results via Seeds Online, Seed Lot Sampler training.
Key Services: Uncategorized
Seed Solutions Australia (SSA) Pty Ltd
|Seed Solutions Australia (SSA) is a seed cleaning & wholesale seed supply business. SSA process and package seed to the specifications required by their customers. SSA also facilitate the production of seed with growers/breeder organisations and retailers.
Key Services: Seed Certification Provider | Seed Growing | Seed Processing | Seed Testing Laboratory
Seedtech Pty Ltd
| Pty Ltd is an independent company formed in July 2000, based in Young on the Southern Slopes of New South Wales. Seedtech provide the seed industry with a facility which offers high quality processing, enhanced seed treatments, and timely distribution to rural agriculture on Australia’s east coast.
Key Services: Seed Processing
Selected Seeds
| quality forage seed for both domestic and international customers, Selected Seeds is dedicated to remaining at the forefront of research and development and partnering with the best specialists in the world to ensure it offers a product that will help maximise forage productivity.
Key Services: Pasture | Plant Breeding | Seed Growing | Seed Processing | Seed Technologies | Seed Treatment | Tropical | Turf | Wholesaler
Snowy River Seeds
| www.snowyriverseeds.comSnowy River Seeds breeds, produces and markets hybrid sweet corn seed to all markets of the world. The Snowy River brand is synonymous and widely recognised for quality and service and is one of the leading suppliers of sweet corn genetics globally. Snowy River offers the full range of Supersweet (Shrunken Sh2) in yellow, bicolour and white, and Sugary (Normal su1) in yellow. With comprehensive breeding and testing programs in Australia (Temperate, Sub Tropical and Tropical), New Zealand, USA, France, Hungary, China, South Africa and South America, Snowy River Seeds focuses on creating hybrids which are reliably profitable for the grower, whether it be for processing or the fresh market.
Key Services: Plant Breeding | Seed Growing
South Pacific Seeds (SPS) Pty Ltd
| Pacific Seeds (SPS) is a specialist vegetable seed company with Distribution and Production as its core business activities. SPS is one of the leading commercial seed companies in the Australian domestic market. It sources seeds from some of the world’s leading breeding houses and undertakes ongoing screening trials to assess their suitability for local conditions. SPS is a leading global contract vegetable seed producer growing a broad range of crops in Australia, New Zealand, Chile and USA.
Key Services: Horticulture | Seed Growing | Seed Treatment | Wholesaler
Sunland Seeds Pty Ltd
| Seeds is a wholesale vegetable seed company specialising in beans, peas and sweet corn seed. They also offer a wide range of vegetable seeds suitable for the home garden and hobby farming market.
Key Services: Broker or Consultant | Wholesaler
Synergy Seeds
| Seeds are an independently owned seed company, supplying high quality seed to customers in Australia and around the world. Based in Adelaide, South Australia, they work closely with their grower base to supply customers with quality products to ensure a sustainable farming future for all.
Key Services: Broker or Consultant | Wholesaler
Syngenta Seeds Pty Ltd
| offers a range of vegetable seeds that are bred according to latest market needs. Drawing on a wealth of expertise and genetic material to develop the right seeds. You can count on Syngenta for reliability, disease resistance and high yields. At Syngenta they know that choosing the right seed varieties based on specific growing conditions and markets is important. Syngenta focus on quality germplasm so their seeds add value along the entire business chain, through to the retail shelf.
Key Services: Horticulture | Plant Breeding | Seed Growing | Wholesaler
Teague Australia Pty Ltd
| Australia Pty Ltd was formed in 1987 and is based in Adelaide, South Australia. They are primarily International Seed and Grain Brokers and over the years have developed extensive contacts throughout the industry both in Australia and overseas, which encompass growers, seed cleaners, agents, marketing boards, exporters, government, research bodies and end-users. Teague Australia also have many years experience with contract negotiations and dispute resolution in international seed sales.
Key Services: Broker or Consultant
Terranova Seeds Pty Ltd
| www.tnseeds.comTerranova Seeds is a specialist vegetable seed company that specialise in developing and marketing a wide range of species. They have offices in Sydney and Auckland. In addition to having a strong presence in the Australia and New Zealand national markets, Terranova Seeds are active in selling seed across the Pacific Islands and PNG. Terranova Seeds are also expanding sales into new and existing export markets around the world.
Key Services: Wholesaler
|'s native seed specialist: Terregen (formerly Terralogica) are passionate about rehabilitation of disturbed land. For over 25 years their seeds have been used to rehabilitate many thousands of hectares impacted by mining, road works and other urban development. Their focus is to deliver cost effective solutions for their clients. Terregen have diverse seed experience in agriculture, horticulture and forestry practices and are always looking to incorporate technological advances in these fields into their rehabilitation processes.
Key Services: Seed Processing | Seed Treatment | Wholesaler
The Diggers Club
| Diggers Club is Australia’s largest community of gardeners. With the best range of heirloom seeds, vegetable seed, fruit and nut seed, herbs, spices, sprouts, flowers, rare plants and bulbs available, contact us to learn how to create your own beautiful and productive garden for a sustainable future.
Key Services: Horticulture | Native Seeds | Seed Processing
Top Green Land Australia Pty Ltd
|Top Green Land Australia Pty Ltd is a Distributor and Wholesaler, mainly exporting pasture seed. We are involved in temperate pasture seed, turf seed, horticulture (non-vegetable) flower seeds and various other seed/ agriculture fields.
Key Services: Distributor | Exporter Importer | Horticulture | Turf
TressaVale Pastoral – TPT Seed Grading
|TressaVale Pastoral - TPT Seed Grading services Southern Queensland in cleaning and grading of Pasture species seeds. Services include pasture seed, grain grading, cleaning and hay production. We also have facilities to dry, clean and bag large/small seed.
Key Services: Seed Growing | Seed Processing
Unigrain Pty Ltd
| is a leading privately owned food and agribusiness specialising in the manufacture of oat cereal and pulse based food and food ingredients, animal nutrition products, processing and marketing of seed oats for the domestic and international markets. Operating from mills across VIC and WA, UniGrain have a proud history of producing high quality Australian grown and milled products. They have a staff base of over 120 dedicated employees and have grown and developed significantly over the years.
Key Services: Seed Processing | Seed Treatment | Wholesaler
Upper Murray Seeds
| Murray Seeds is an independent family-owned company established in 1993 to create a vertically integrated seed business. They offer customers everything from seed production, multiplication and processing to agronomy advice, mixing and dispatching quality seed. As a growing Australian agribusiness, Upper Murray Seeds have built a reputation on providing quality seed products and solutions needed to boost on-farm productivity and profitability.
Key Services: Broad acre cropping | Exporter Importer | Pasture | Plant Breeding | Seed Growing | Seed Processing | Seed Treatment | Tropical | Turf | Wholesaler
Valley Seeds Pty Ltd
| www.valleyseeds.comValley Seeds is an Australian forage and pasture seed breeding company established in 1972. The company is also one of the largest suppliers of lawn seed in Australia. Valley Seeds specialises in breeding stress tolerant varieties of grasses and forage plants that are suitable for temperate and sub-tropical climates. The company supplies seed to many regions of the world, especially those regions where climate change is causing drought and inconsistent weather conditions.
Key Services: Broad acre cropping | Pasture | Plant Breeding | Seed Growing | Seed Processing | Turf | Wholesaler
Wilkei Seeds Pty Ltd
| wilkeiseeds.comAt Wilkei Seeds, we are passionate about supplying locally grown seed from the beautiful South East of South Australia to other primary producers and agricultural businesses across the country. We pride ourselves that our local seed producers are amongst the best in the world, and we feel privileged to provide these seeds to our fellow primary producers & businesses. We are a farming family that grow Lucerne, winter crops and prime lamb on our property between Keith and Willalooka, SA.
Key Services: Distributor | Retailer | Seed Growing
Williams Group Australia Pty Ltd
| Seed carry stock of agricultural seed for sowing, erosion control and vegetation, birdseeds, lawn seed for domestic and sporting field applications. They have a full range of annual and permanent pasture seeds with tropical and sub tropical grasses and legumes. Williams Seed also carry seed varieties for domestic lawns like Couch and Carpet Grass.
Key Services: Distributor
Yankalilla Seeds Pty Ltd
| Seeds was founded by the late Colin Symonds in 1962 and is still a family run business today under the direction of his sons David and Peter Symonds, who took over from their father in the early 2000’s. Colin (or CR as he was affectionately known to family & friends) started the Seed Sales business in the backyard shed of their family home, a farming property in Wattle Flat, Yankalilla, South Australia. Back then, the average sales per annum consisted of approximately 6 tonne of pasture & cereal, with Colin as the only staff member. With the aid of his sons, the business grew to encompass not just the sales of pasture & cereals, but to the manufacture & production of the seed as well.
Key Services: Pasture | Retailer | Seed Processing | Wholesaler
Associate Member
Activate Ag Labs
| www.activateaglabs.comActivate Ag Labs is a new company but it has been emerging for over a decade from the backroom laboratories in this niche space. Now the specialized seed coating materials research and development laboratory is opening its doors to the wider market. The multi-disciplinary team brings over 30 years of experience in seed technology, the lab itself is equipped with unique and industry specific technologies allowing us to work across all the major scientific disciplines to deliver a truly holistic formulation, seed coating product or solution.
Key Services: Equipment Manufacturer | Seed Coating Materials
AgLink Australia Pty Ltd
| Australia - a collection of 13 independent businesses operating from over 260 locations in all Australian states and territories – has been helping Australian farmers grow quality, sustainable food and fibre for 36 years. AgLink Australia has one of the largest group of qualified professionals providing agronomy and animal production advice, supported by the supply of reputable products to Australian farmers. These staff help them produce greater amounts of clean, sustainable fruit and vegetables, wheat, barley, canola, rice, sugar, cotton, wool, beef, sheep and dairy.
Key Services: Allied | Retail Member Services
Alexander Colquhoun & Son (Colquhoun’s)
|’s are leaders in the packaging industry and specialists in bags & sacks. With a nationwide supply network, over 125 years in business and knowledgeable, long term staff they are ideally situated to support those in the seed industry. Colquhoun’s believe in doing what they say they will do, so that their customers can focus on what they do best. This leaves them to focus on what they do best which is to supply quality packaging solutions that are reliable and can be trusted.
Key Services: Packaging
Allegiant Milling and Processing Solutions Pty Ltd
| specialize in delivering customized solutions to the food industry, prioritizing sustainability, flexibility, and resilience. Our offerings encompass capital equipment, capital projects, plant optimization, and proactive maintenance support. With our tailored solutions, we help food businesses thrive in an ever-changing landscape, ensuring they remain efficient, eco-friendly, and adaptable to future challenges.
Key Services: Equipment Manufacturer
Centor Oceania
| www.centoroceania.comCentor Oceania provide their customers with expert advice on seed coating solutions for filmcoating, encrusting and pelleting. Whatever the problem - including issues with dust, poor appearance, seed analysis and drying, or if needing to improve coating equipment or interested in coating materials, Centor Oceania can provide customers with the technical know-how and products that will improve their business.
Key Services: Seed Technologies | Seed Treatment
Cimbria Sales Australia Pty Ltd
| is one of the world’s leading companies within industrial processing, handling and storage of grain and seed, as well as animal feed, foodstuffs and other bulk products. Cimbria is more than the equipment we produce. We are professionals who thrive on building creative solutions to bring your vision to life. We’ve been doing it since 1947. We combine the right technology with the right team to bring it all together. Our purpose is your success. You can feel confident because you have an expert at your side – helping you grow into the future.
Key Services:
Coles Ag & Food Pty Ltd
|At Coles Ag & Food, we believe in growing a world that is more productive, efficient and sustainable. We do that by helping clients like you achieve remarkable results. Our passion for agriculture is what drives us and is one of the main reasons why we have become the premier global and agribusiness consulting firm in advancing agriculture.
Key Services: Broker or Consultant
Dairy Australia
| Australia is the national services body for dairy farmers and the industry. Their role is to help farmers adapt to a changing operating environment, and achieve a profitable, sustainable dairy industry.
Key Services: Industry Allied Services
Dobmac Agricultural Machinery
| Agricultural Machinery is an innovative, market leader in the design, manufacture, supply & maintenance of specialised agricultural machinery in a changing global market. Supplying specialised equipment and service throughout Australia, New Zealand and internationally, Dobmac can provide a solution for all your root crop vegetable needs.
Key Services: Equipment Manufacturer | Exporter Importer | Industry Allied Services
GTE Technology
| gtetech.auGTE Technology is a wholly owned and operated Australian manufacturing company located in Ballarat, Victoria. Their state of the art laser cutter, QR code press and automated CNC manufacturing equipment ensures what their manufacturing is of the highest quality. Their mission: "We are committed to providing unequaled design, quality and world leading technology solutions to meet the needs of our customers, no matter where located. Our focus is innovation, clever thinking and timely delivery to achieve the very best for our customers."
Key Services: Equipment Manufacturer | Industry Allied Services
H. Polesy & Co Pty Ltd
| Polesy & Co Pty Ltd has been in operation for over 60 years, and are leading suppliers of commercial and industrial textile and packaging products to all parts of Australia and throughout the Asia-Pacific Region. They stock a comprehensive range of quality commercial and industrial textile and packaging products and have strategically located office and warehouse facilities throughout Australia in order to meet the needs of customers in a timely and efficient manner – currently over 96% of all customer orders are dispatched within 48 hours of receipt.
Key Services: Packaging
Incotec Australia
| www.incotec.comIncotec is a seed enhancement specialist. They have been specialising in seed treatment since 1968 with the aim to improve seed quality. Incotec select, protect and improve, working with seed for field crops and vegetables. Getting the utmost out of seed is what makes them proud and the seed enhancement work they do, contributes significantly to the development of sustainable agriculture.
Key Services: Seed Technologies | Seed Treatment
Insignia Pty Ltd
| Insignia, we are an industry leader in identification and traceability, and our solutions are designed to help improve efficiency, productivity and traceability, and protect your brand. As part of the Winson Group with our sister company Signet, Australia's leading packaging supplier, our aim is to help Australian businesses grow. We are also a leading national label manufacturer, and produce custom product labels, overprint labels, and blank labels and tags from our production hubs in Brisbane and Melbourne.
Key Services: Allied | Labelling and Product Identification
Kenso Seeds
| Seeds in cooperation with its international breeding partners is introducing new hybrid vegetable varieties to the Australian horticultural industry. Through extensive selection and field work KENSO Seeds aim to provide varieties ideally suited to local conditions and market requirements. KENSO Seeds is a division of the KENSO group a major integrated agricultural company established in 1974.
Key Services: Broker or Consultant | Distributor
Mainfreight Air and Ocean
| a global logistics provider, Mainfreight offers managed warehousing and international and domestic freight forwarding. With team and branches across Australia, China, Europe, New Zealand and the United States Mainfreight continues to expand its global footprint. Listed on the New Zealand Stock Exchange they continue to work towards their 100 year vision.
Key Services: Industry Allied Services
PackWeigh Equipment
| Equipment designs and manufactures weighing and bagging equipment in Brisbane. They are a trusted business partner and help our customers achieve long term success; maintaining trust and confidence.
Key Services: Equipment Manufacturer
Premier Tech
| Tech is committed to creating sustainable solutions that help improve the efficiency of manufacturing facilities in the nutrition, industrial, agricultural and organics market sectors. We offer a wide range of solutions, ranging from weighing, feeding, bagging, case packing, bulk handling all the way through palletizing and load securing.
Key Services: Equipment Manufacturer | Packaging | Services
Satake Australia Pty Ltd
| Australia Pty Ltd are responsible for Satake Corporation’s Group activities in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. The company consists of Engineering, Sales, installation, Administration and Service departments as well as operating their own fabrication workshop. Within their workshop they build machinery that is specific to the Australian market demands.
Key Services: Allied | Equipment Manufacturer
UPL Australia Pty Ltd
| www.hannafords.comUPL Australia Pty Ltd is a global agricultural company specialising in the marketing and distribution of crop protection products. The company offers a range of products in Australia and New Zealand, including seed treatments, fungicides, herbicides and insecticides. The extensive seed treatment range includes Rancona Dimension, a unique micro-emulsion formulation fungicide protecting against Crown Rot, Rhizoctonia, Pythium , Smuts and Bunt.
Key Services: Broad acre cropping | Horticulture | Pasture | Seed Treatment | Tropical | Wholesaler
VensoGrow Pty Ltd
| www.vensogrow.comAt Vensogrow we are a research and development company for seed coating technology. Patented Venso™ is a dust free, multi-layer liquid concentrate application system for seed enhancement. With superior preservation of microbes and up to 100 times more even drying conditions than any other technology. We aim to create the future of seed enhancement and increase yields with ecological benefits.
Key Services: Allied | Research | Seed Technologies
Overseas Members
| www.cibus.comCibus are committed to responsibly developing plant traits that are indistinguishable from those that could occur in nature. These desirable characteristics can improve yield, increase weed and disease tolerance, reduce waste and enhance food health and nutrition. Cibus are involved in plant breeding and gene editing in plants and micro-organisms.
Key Services: Plant Breeding | Seed Technologies
Grasslanz Technology Limited
| www.grasslanz.comGrasslanz Technology is a plant technology provider, their products are proprietary technologies primarily delivered through seed, their end users are farmers. Grasslanz Technology establish alliances with seed companies to commercialise their products, working with an international network of investors and research organisations to develop innovative new products.
Key Services: Pasture | Plant Breeding | Seed Technologies
Meenakshi Agro Chemicals
| macagrochemicals.comMeenakshi Agro Chemicals incorporated in 90’s as a manufacturer of agrochemicals for over two decades and is primarily focused on Manufacture and supply of Agrochemicals. The extensive products lines comprising Seed Treatment Chemicals, Herbicides, Insecticides, Pest Control Products which includes Wood protection, Household & public Health products etc. Our plants are operated as per the highest environmental standards and are able to meet the stringent productions.
Key Services: Seed Treatment
Sakata Seed Corporation
| www.sakata.comSakata is a world leader in breeding and producing vegetable and ornamental seed and vegetative cuttings. Sakata breeders around the world work diligently to develop varieties that offer superior performance and set new standards for the industry.
Key Services: Plant Breeding | Seed Growing | Seed Processing | Seed Treatment | Wholesaler
Village Green Seed
| www.villagegreenseed.comVillage Green Seed was established in 2003 as an independent Turf Seed company based in Waimauku New Zealand. Village Green Seed imports and exports quality and innovative seed for a variety of turf uses, including Sports Fields, Golf courses, Sod farms and various other sites. Village Green Seed has a combination of New Zealand and US bred varieties in its range and specialises in offering niche products to help turf managers overcome challenges.
Key Services: Distributor | Seed Processing | Turf
ASF Life Members
Mr Andrew Henderson
Mr Bob Tidy
Mr Bruce Guy
Mr Graeme Smith
Mr John Fuller
Mr John Smyth
Mr Keith Glasson
Mr Kerrie Gleeson
Mr Max Jongebloed
Mr Mike Gout
Mr Nick Gardner
Mr Peter Smith
*Mr Bill Stephen
*Mr Dennis FitzGerald
*Mr Doug Wood
*Mr Harry Williams
*Mr Jim Hodge
*Mr Jim Stephen
*Mr Keith Blackwood
*Mr Peter Rothwell
*Mr Peter Yates
*Mr Tony Rumsey
*Mr William (Bill) Hunter
*Ms Marcia Taylor